by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life
Anakin and Kingsley both love reading but their habits are totally different. When Anakin is addict to words, Kingsley is more a visual reader. Well, this is perfect for them when they are reading illustrated story books side by side, isn’t it? #classroom #game...
by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life
Arjun has his own way of calculation. He doesn’t always use his fingers when he counts but he likes feeling his own pulse with his fingers and count the beats in his heart. We are not quite sure how this works but Arjun seems pretty good at it. Shall we ask him...
by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life
After a whole morning of sports, Arjun has well exercised his body. Now it has come to time when he release some of his brain energy. Well concentrated on his worksheet, Arjun has even forgotten the water prepared next to him. #classroom #writing...
by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life
Have you ever seen our children skiing on the grass? Look at Arjun and you will understand. From a first impression, we wonder whether he is rolling on the playground. Yet, he is simply too agile to look like running instead of skiing. #playground #game...
by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life
Jumping through the circles is never hard for Arjun. Yet, Arjun loves breaking his own record. We usually see him jumping in the morning and his classmates are excited to witness his excellent skills too. It is more understandable if we describe Arjun rather as a...
by florence | Nov 5, 2019 | Children's School Life Jia Xuan is full of talent. Meeting her for the first time, we can discern her incredible easiness in absorbing words and digesting ideas. She recognises those countries far away from hers as if...