by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
Seeing the face of Jia Xuan, we know she can’t even explain it for Gwenneth. Gwenneth has met her prince today finally. She insists to keep his identity a mystery though, for preventing him from being stalked. We count on Jia Xuan to find out who he is!...
by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
This is solemn moment of pledge. Although Anakin and Glenn always look more handsome than serious in their uniform, they are doing a great job the whole time. Mummies, aren’t you proud of our big boys? #playroom #game...
by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
We all love going on vacations. Today teacher leads us to a new place where people seldom go for holiday because it is too hot there. However, wouldn’t it be a great place to get tanned? #playroom #game #childrenofstamford
by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
Teacher Charlotte is not teacher today. She is following our children to make moves of a new dance that they created. When everyone is moving, our leader is attentively watching them. Sir, are we doing well? #hall #photoshooting #childrenofstamford
by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
He is testing his new bridge for easing the transport between daddy’s office and home. The most important aspect to which he should pay attention is the traffic light so that he will know when daddy is coming to look for him. Doesn’t it sound like an alarm...
by phyllis | Sep 29, 2019 | Children's School Life
“We don’t talk anymore. We don’t talk anymore like we used to. Our little gentleman is humming.” She is only focusing on her triangle and ignores him, who wonders how triangle is worth more of her time than he is. Our romantic poet is just so...