Children love playing. We do not set our children in classroom and distribute some boring texts and books to them to get the job done. We have the largest outdoor brain gym for them to unleash... Why don’t we need to go homework? Because our children learn by playing just as we learn by living. Playing the right games does not only bring fun to our little genius but also develop... Sarah is an expert in solving puzzles. Questions are never a challenge but an entertainment for her. She thinks it is much more interesting to encounter problems for which she needs to look... Zachary is naturally happy that he loves making fun of himself and joking around. We love to keep him company because we can laugh all day with him. Off the stage, our comedian is also... Raphael, just as Raphael of the High Renaissance, is an artist in various aspects. Ranging from painting to design to handicrafts, and to dancing, he doesn’t miss anyone of them. This... Krish loves nature. He is always the one who initiates going on ecologist excursions and field trips. He doesn’t only spend his time reading everything about our earth and where we are living,...