by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
The two of them transformed the puzzles into their little world. Starting his cruise, he is running the control panel and setting the direction when his buddy checks the equipments. Let’s head to the Atlantis! #indoorgym #meaningfulplay #childrenofstamford
by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
Mummy teaches me how to be well-mannerd even when we are not in control of everything. Therefore, I let naughty teacher to have fun playing on my pretty star card. I am happy that teacher is enjoying herself so much. #classroom #meaningfulplay...
by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
She only takes the most important treasure with her for her journey. Other than her favourite pyjamas, she brings on ther multi-purpose kit to make sure she can be well taken care of no matter where she is. Camping in the woods? Sure! #classroom #meaningfulplay...
by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
Daddy and mummy are facing a new challenge today. Not only they are taking care of their energetic baby, but they are also struggling to solve an enigma that their angel has fun with everyday! #classroom #meaningfulplay #childrenofstamford
by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
Although our little artist also likes maths games, she never forgets leaving her tracks on all that she does. Having the clay well arranged, she is putting on her signature carved chop. #classroom #meaningfulplay #childrenofstamford
by phyllis | Oct 28, 2019 | Children Playing Laughing Smiling
He (boy in yellow t-shirt) loves yellow. He is cutting and scattering all the yellow clay on several areas to get the number “eight”. At a moment, he discovers he has cut too much clay. Therefore, he shares his with teacher. #classroom #meaningfulplay...