Our children do not only learn to discover themselves everyday, but also their families, friends and buddies. The bond is becoming unbeakable day after day and the cliché that brothers and sisters are natural enemies seems not always true. #playroom #photoshooting...

Pheodora loves gemstones because mummy collects a lot of them and likes telling Pheodora the stories about them. Pheodora is looking deeply into the cubes and wonders if they are also similar to gemstones and perhaps she may hunt a cat’s eye! #classroom...

Teacher asks Paden how many he is getting from adding the numbers, he is however very pleased to see teacher’s fist like holding a big big chicken egg. Paden expects teacher is going to give it to him by joking a maths question with him. #classroom...

Discovering animals that like to appear in the day or the night, in spring or winter, Owen’s new buddy suggests spending a night in the mountain to catch bats. Owen is so excited of meeting them for real because he has been waiting for it!’ #classroom...

Paden and Pheodora are paticipating in an adventure organised by their guild. They have to undergo the security control before getting into the secret cave. Paden is very excited when his invisible tattoo is being made visible under the light detection. Pheodora, as...